The Story of Ava Jacobs

On March 6, 2007, Jeremy and Amy Jacobs were told that their 13 month old daughter Ava had a massive brain tumor.

The crush of helplessness, confusion, and pressure to make decisions quickly put an unimaginable strain on the family as they struggled to cope with every parent’s worst nightmare.

By pure chance, Jeremy overhead a discussion about a new form of treatment – Proton Therapy – that would ultimately save Ava’s life.

Ava is now an active and healthy 11-year-old who has beaten the odds.  But Jeremy and Amy remain grief-stricken for other families suffering through this agony, and don’t believe that the survival of children diagnosed with cancer should be left to chance. With information and emotional support, lives can be saved, and families held together.

You can help.  Jeremy and Amy created BraveHearts for Kids to help families in crisis due to pediatric cancer. Your donation now to Project Brave Future can help them expand BraveHearts to a national organization devoted to giving hope and support to families like theirs all across the country. Children don’t need to die, and families don’t need to needlessly suffer, from lack of support. Please help.  Click here and give what you can to help children and families in need.


We are BraveHearts for Kids

No family should have to suffer alone.  One-on-One Mentoring helps families triumph over cancer by providing hope, inspiration, and real life encouragement from other families that have already been through a cancer ordeal and succeeded!

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